Sunday, March 29, 2009

RED mobile 3G

Last tuesday mar.24, i recieved my free Red Mobile sim card. It took more than a month after I register from to have this free sim card with 10peso load.

Currently, my interest got high to do a test about its 3G network. After doing and setting up my P1i GPRS/MMS/3G settings, i tried to surf the net using my mobile phone using opera mobile 9.5 and opera mini 4.2 browsers.

The speed is really fast as compare to ordinary GPRS/EDGE browsing connectivity. But almost quite the same if you have a 3G signal from globe and smart.

For smart and globe, not all areas can achieve good 3g signals, but you will fall out to GPRS/EDGE if you are on dual mode. HSDPA 3.5G is different scenario, it work best in stationary via fixed UMTS mode.

For Red Mobile, if you dont have a 3g phone, you wont be able to use the sim. It only accepts pure 3g signal/network. Meaning, if you are in a location where 3g signal is not available, then your phone is dead or out of reach.

Smart claimed that this is their subsidy network, which boastly says that it has a nationwide coverage. I doubt as of the moment, signals from Smart is far different from Red. Maybe because Smart can be in dual network mode while Red is simply 3G network.

Browsing rates: Php7.50/15mins.

Red to Red: 50cents/text and 50cents/mins. Voice and video calls

Red to other network: 1peso/text and 6.50pesos/mins. voice calls

**this post was created via Red Moblie internet on my SEP1i.

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