Tuesday, September 23, 2014

HomeLAB: Nested ESXi VM's

Installing Hyper-V on ESXi 5.1

1. You need to set Hyper-V to run on ESXi 5.1, it will lead you to an error "Hyper-V cannot be installed: A hypervisor is already running "  when your Hyper-V VM is not properly set accordingly to run on a nested hypervisor. See knowledge base.

2. From my vCenter Web Client I started to create a new VM and configure the CPU settings. This should be marked checked “Expose Hardware Assisted Virtualization to the guest OS”  and then continue up to install Windows Server 2012.

3. Edit the VM's .vmx file and add the following line;

        hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = FALSE

4. Now you can configure your Server2012 to add roles, install Hyper-V on server manager.

5. You can now manage your Hyper-V server from your Windows 8 hyper-v manager or from the Hyper-V server itself.

6. (Optional) My entire homelab has an Active Directory/Domain Controller. I joined all nested hypervisor under one domain.

Across to my existing basic VMware HomeLAB.

1. Nested ESXi and Hyper-V on Esxi5.1
2. Active Directory Authentication of nested hypervisors from Server2012.

3. UTM applications on VM.

4. Migration of VM's to another Datastore with vCenter client.

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